February 3

Reading: Psalm 93

1   The LORD reigns; he is robed in majesty;

     the LORD is robed; he has put on strength as his belt.

     Yes, the world is established; it shall never be moved.

2   Your throne is established from of old;

     you are from everlasting.


3   The floods have lifted up, O LORD,

     the floods have lifted up their voice;

     the floods lift up their roaring.

4   Mightier than the thunders of many waters,

     mightier than the waves of the sea,

     the LORD on high is mighty!

5   Your decrees are very trustworthy;

     holiness befits your house,

     O LORD, forevermore.


Psalm 93 presents a great contrast, the throne and the tumult.  In verses 1-2 we see the throne of God established over all the earth, unmoved.  Then in verse 3 we see the tumult of the waters, a metaphor for this crazy tumultuous world.  Then, verses 4-5 present the Lord, mighty, holy, trustworthy forever.  He is mightier than all the roaring of this world.

There are many times when this world seems like a roaring, swirling, overwhelming flood.  People are struggling in it, being swept away, drowning.  There are winds of cultural change, waves of false doctrines.  Sometimes it feels as if we are about to go under.

This psalm presents a truth that is often difficult to see.  God reigns over it all.  He is majestic, strong, immovable.  He has established this world long ago and it holds together under His absolute authority.  It may not seem like it, but things are progressing from day to day according to His plan.  Yes, there are confusing times, horrible times, events that are impossible for us to reconcile with God’s sovereign control.  This is because we cannot see as God sees.  But, if we could, we would see all things in order, following after God’s orders.

This is why it is so important to obey the Lord, to follow His Word and reflect His holiness.  We do not know how it all fits together amid the chaos.  But He knows.  Our plans and strategies are not nearly as good a guide in the flood as are His principles for living.

Read this short psalm a few times over and ponder God’s sovereign reign.